
Posts Tagged ‘home office’

Where Do You Read?

In Uncategorized on July 13, 2010 at 2:24 pm

Bedrooms. I always read my books in bedrooms. Put me in the living room and I’ll watch TV. Put me in the dining room and I’ll find something to eat. Put me in the kitchen and I’ll just open the ref. No. You really have to put me in the bedroom.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I can’t really read anywhere else. I bring books with me when traveling (although I’ve grown to realize how much I favor magazines over books on the road) and I’ve never had problems reading books anywhere else but if I’m at home, I will always gravitate towards my bedroom for a good book.

We don’t have a library or a study in the house. My bedroom serves as both the home office and the library. But if I were to live on my own, I would love to have a room dedicated to writing and to books. I scrounged around the net, as I always do, and found these beautiful rooms. Take a look see!

via Elle Decor

The black and white theme just screams modern to me. And I love nothing more than high ceilings. It doesn’t matter if the room is small or big as long as it has high ceilings. Plus, can you see the desk over to the right and the old-school clock on the upper left? Those are some of the old-fashioned elements I’d like to see in my library.

via SMR Design via Lonny Magazine

I have a taste for restructured designs. Wing back chairs aren’t exactly new inventions but the color Turquoise makes it look so modern. Besides, Turquoise is one of my favorite colors. You can’t see much of the shelves behind it but I love what I’m seeing. The Missoni-like design of the rug also adds to the overall charm.

via Elle Decor

My favorite element in this picture is that white collapsible seat/table in the middle.

I’d like to show you what my own desk and my own shelves look like but they’re not exactly drool-worthy. One day though, one day…